Monday, February 22, 2010

Here's Your Sign

What’s Your Sign

Act 7:35 This Moses whom they refused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge? the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush.
Act 7:36 He brought them out, after that he had shewed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Red sea, and in the wilderness forty years.

Bill Englville had a comedy routine several years ago when he talked about SIGNS, he stated that everyone needed a sign from time to time. His was with the Word STUPID on it but tonight I have a few signs for you,

Which one should you be wearing

1. No U Turn - No Going Back
* No Going Back TO:
A. The Old Life -the old man is dead

B. On Our Duties - Just Do It

C. On Our Giving - Tithe

D. On Our Salvation - What
A sweet thing that is

A. To Carry The Load

B. Not Being Able to Take Criticism

C. Not Being Able to Take Rebuke - Ears

3. NO WAKE - In Boating
For Some this means
* Sleeping in Church
* Getting Up on Time For Church

A. When your upset you leave a wake behind you

B. When you Go Soul Winning you Leave a wake behind you

{Your Wake Spreads out from you and e effects everyone around. A Single Ripple in the water can become a title wave miles down the road}

A. Talking about other church members

B. Talking bad about the pastor

C. Going back to your old ways

^ Doesn’t Mean Stop
A. Slow Down.

B. Look Around

C. Evaluate
* Your effectiveness
* Your Heart
* God call on your life

If you don’t you might get in the path and cause someone else to wreck their lives or hinder them on their path.

A. Don’t be stag net

B. Don’t just park it on Sunday and not help the cause of Christ
* Those who do are just saying that they are in the handicap parking spot, because they are handicapping Gods work

7. OCCUPIED - The Best for last
Luk 19:13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, till I come.
A. We are commanded to Stay busy in his work
*Not Playing Video Games
*Not Playing With Action Figures
*Not Getting involved with ministries that might cause you to miss you football game

Finally Occupied Is Defined in
Webster’s as
To take up; to possess; to cover or fill.
A. Are you “Filled Up’ With God.
B. Does he live in you Soul

It’s the Easiest thing you can Do yet if you don’t it’s the worst decision you can Make

So next time your driving and you see a sign, I want you to think, WHATS MY SIGN. And Remember
God Wants you to press on regardless of all obstacles

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