Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How Do You Know For Sure

This is something that's been troubling me for several months now.

Who can you tell the difference between the call of God and Frustation with your current job?

Last year was a tough year finantialy at work and in my own personal finances because of that. Things were more confratational with on of my employers and my church activities.

So lately (in the past few months) I have been distracted at work. I haven't wanted to be there as much as I used to be.

I used to love what I did and now don't.

Since I have been young I have have several dreams of me preaching, I have had sermons pop in my head while driving or doing activities, it wasn't until the last year or so I have started to write them down and share them with anyone else other than myself.

So is my disctraction and lack of motivation twards my job God telling me something or is it just me being down about the job.

I don't know?

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