Sunday, May 3, 2009

Unconditional Love

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Rom 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross a long time and well know counceler on grief was interviewed in a magazine in 1991,

In this article she reflects back to a time she visited a consentration camp at Maidnek

She thought It would help her undersant how victims of the holocaust had suffered and how people could be capable of such hatred and cruelty.

She way the gas changers and crematoriums

She way railroad cars filled with baby shoes of murdered childrend and filled with hair shaved from women on their way to the cambers and used to make coats for the Germans.

As she surveyed the places where such unimagable horrors had taking place she noticed a beautiful you woman there
And she was staring right at Ross

Filally she went up to her and interdicted themselves, and she told her her that her name was Golda.

She was a German or and Jewish.

Golda told Ross that her father had been taken by the Gestapo and never saw him again.

Then her mother and the rest of the family was deported to Maidanek and herded into a gas chamber.

Golda was the last one in the chamber.

But there was so many in the chamber they couln’t shut the door. So they bulled her out and proceeded to slam the steel door shut.


Golda said she was one of the first liberated from the concentration camp.

At that time she wanted to get sweet revenge on the one’s who had killed so many of her people and her Family
Then it struck her that If she got revenge she would be no better than HITLER himself.

So She was there, until she could forgive the one’s that caused her so much pain.

She had learned a lesson that day of unconditional love.

Love with no expectations, no hooks, no strings attached.

We can make all our choices in life built on love or fear.

How many today would be able to have the uncondional love to forgive someone who has wronged you.

In society today this love is not common.
We must always get the person back
We must Hold on to the wrong that was done to us until it eats us up.

Even though it is no excuse, Hitler never had unconditional love as a child, and he never had an outlet for his rage.

Some of you today might belive that no one loves you unconditionally
First you must love someone in that way to release yourself.

In our text verse we see uncondiontional LOVE.

• We neglect telling others about Christ
• We live our lives for us instead of Christ
• We poison our bodies with alcohol
• We burn our lungs with cigarettes
• We force the Holy Spirit who dwells in us to watch filth on TV
• We rob him of our gifts that he has given us
• We Steal from him in our tithes
• And we bicker behind his under shepherds back (Your Pastor)

I have a hard time understanding this uncontional love


Abraham loved God so unconditionally that he was willing to sacrifice his beloved son to him.

If you were to put a holocost survivor and Hitler in the same room, I wouldn’t stop for fault them from squeezing the life out of his neck until he was to face jugement.
But does that make you any better than the one who has wronged you.

Jesus left a perfect place in heaven, took human form
He ate
He got tired
He had heartbrake
He was beat until his flesh was raw
His beard was ripped out
He had nails drove into his hands
Then was hung on a cross for all to mock.

But even then the said: Father Forgive Them

How often have you prayed for you worst enemy

When was the last time you prayed for that gossip that ruended your reputation

When was the last time you prayed for that one that might have stolen from you

When was the last time you prayed for the polatition you might not agree with

It is not good enough to just pray for them though

You must forgive like we were forgiven

Co 2:7 So that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow.

Forgiveness shows unconditional love.

Uncontional means that there may be no response.

Uncondiotnal love means we must love, even then they might mock you.

Uncondtional love means that even when you are being wronged you don’t respond with hate or with anything else but LOVE.

I an thankfull today for Gods UNCONDTIONAL LOVE.

In my life I have turned my back from God.

I have used his name in vain

I haven’t loved some like I should.

In order to start your path to unconditional love you first must forgive

• Read God’s Word
• Pray for the one who wrongs you

And never take you eyes off Jesus.

Later on in the article that I read at the beginning of this message, Golda states that if we love our children uncondionally we could change the word

I firmly believe that

We need to love our children Uncondionally

We Need to love our church members unconditionally

We need to love our pastor unconditionally

But most of all we need to love Jesus UNCONDITIONALLY LOVE Jesus.

Then you will feel that weight lifted off you shoulders.

I encourage you today to show you love to your friends,
Your enemies
Your families

Forgive them, Love then and be thankful for them.

You might as how can I start Loving Uncondionally

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